Our Services

What we Offer

AI Art Project

Original Art and Prints

Personalized Heirlooms

Drawing and Coloring Books


Current Clients


Years of Experience


Art installations


Virtual Live Outlets

Pricing options

Artist Hangout Memberships

Artists Hangout Level 1

$5.55 monthly

This is a Safe Haven Artist Membership that:

  • Emphasizes the idea of creating a nurturing and encouraging space for artists to heal, grow, and freely express themselves while gaining valuable skills and insights.
  • Emphasizes the importance of nurturing and refining one’s artistic voice within a supportive environment, fostering personal growth and self-expression among artists.
  • Offers artists a platform to not only grow their artistic voice but also to showcase and share their work with a broader audience, providing an opportunity for recognition and exposure.

Artists Hangout- Level 2

$11.11 monthly

Same Value as Level One, and YOU feel lead to give more:

  • Emphasizes the idea of creating a nurturing and encouraging space for artists to heal, grow, and freely express themselves while gaining valuable skills and insights.
  • Emphasizes the importance of nurturing and refining one’s artistic voice within a supportive environment, fostering personal growth and self-expression among artists.
  • Offers artists a platform to not only grow their artistic voice but also to showcase and share their work with a broader audience, providing an opportunity for recognition and exposure.

Artist Hangout- Level 3

$22.22 monthly

Same Value as Level One, and YOU feel lead to give more:

  • Emphasizes the idea of creating a nurturing and encouraging space for artists to heal, grow, and freely express themselves while gaining valuable skills and insights.
  • Emphasizes the importance of nurturing and refining one’s artistic voice within a supportive environment, fostering personal growth and self-expression among artists.
  • Offers artists a platform to not only grow their artistic voice but also to showcase and share their work with a broader audience, providing an opportunity for recognition and exposure.